The Mother of all Chocolate Cakes

Henry just turned 14.  Hopefully, his only addiction in life will be his obsessive love of chocolate.  I don’t usually enable him but, its was his birthday.  Above are all the chocolate elements that made up his birthday cake.  It was good but you needed a tall glass of cold milk to choke it down. […]

Cooking with Georgie

This past long weekend we had an asado.  It was a gorgeous spring/summer day and Georgie decided we needed brownies to go with our requisite ice cream.  We combed the internet for a new and interesting twist on brownies and found this recipe that called for peanut butter.  GM returned from his US trip last […]

Healthy Humpday Snack with Kid Review

My kids were getting sick of oatmeal everything.  I always use whole wheat flour but I cant pretend that this week’s recipe is healthy.  Again,they are not processed and my nurturing energy has been baked into them, but they are chock full of  butter and sugar. Regarding this week’s recipe.  Recipe is hyperbole.  Although there […]

Healthy Humpday Snack with Kid Review

They are healthy if you eat just one.  And they are good, and they are easy.  Hard to beat that.  Made a big pan with more than half of it going into the freezer for a later date.  I found the recipe here.  Its a cute blog where she has fun photographing her baked goods.  […]

Healthy Humpday Snack with Kid’s review

I don’t know if you can really call these healthy, other than the fact that they are not processed and were made by my loving hands.  Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies. I found them on Tastespotting and that site sent me here for the original recipe, its a great baking blog. Not much can be said […]

Humpday Snack

When things get busy, like they have this week, I don’t always have time to research a new fabulous recipe off my favorite food site Tastespotting.  So today I went to an old standby and always a crowd-pleaser.  Embellished Brownies.  These are brownies out of a box that I play with the directions and then […]

Feliz Día de la Independencia

We had a kind of sad little 4th of July.  GM and Henry left for their respective destinations in the Northern Hemisphere last night so its me and three kids for the next few weeks.  The plan had been to go to the center to a Fourth of July party that the Argentine-American Cultural Institute […]

Daddy’s Day Brunch

This year’s Father’s Day started last night when Callum, Owen and I made a Cinnabon facsimile to be eaten this morning  for brunch.  We made the linked recipes up to the point of slicing the rolls and putting them in the pan for baking .  We put the pan in the refrigerator overnight and then […]

Required Eating with Kid’s review

I am a bit behind on my healthy snack posts.  So here are two of the last baking projects I endeavored. First up was a really easy raspberry muffin recipe from a great cooking site that happens to be vegetarian, Picky Cook.  I subbed whole wheat flour for regular and did add in extra cinnamon.  […]

HumpDay BarDay (kid reviewed by Callum)

 Wednesday is baked treat day at our house.  In an effort to eat more sanely, we have instituted Wednesday as the one day of the week when the kids are greeted by a butter and sugar laden concoction often enhanced with chocolate.  The rest of the week they need to be happy with nuts, fruits, […]