My political exile

It wont be easy for me to put this into one coherent post…so here is an incoherent one…. I am the product of economically progressive and socially liberal parents. I consider myself liberal relative to social issues and fiscally conservative (due to my handbag count, my husband would disagree) but with an emphasis on education […]

To the one reader of my blog

This is for a reader who wanted to be in contact. If you are a direct marketing company..from best I can tell every commercial entity that does business on the internet has my email address, so don’t bother. If you are lonely, sorry but I have my hands full with my four kids and […]

My first post….three months later

Here is my inaugural post from February 21. Apparently it got lost in a blackhole or vortex, or some other space metaphor for”I don’t know what the hell happened”. Well now it happily joins its younger sisters. My first post…whoopee! Hi there:Its really hot right now in Argentina. Its summer here, being on the other […]

Someone, please tell me why I had four children?

Please don’t tell me that I am ungrateful because you and your spouse have been trying for years and after cycle after cycle of fertility treatments you began the adoption process and you were already to adopt a beautiful child from Vietnam and while you were inflight Asia to pick her up, her mom showed […]

I am a lame blogger

Blog entries are suppose to be spontaneous but thoughtful with some frequency to allow a reader a sense of the writer. Well I am going to try this again. Over two months between blog entries is a quarterly periodical and pathetic and can certainly be improved upon. I do have several dissertations on various aspects […]